What are the goals for Progetto 10:2?
- We want to cast vision for churches everywhere to glorify Christ by reaching the lost among all nations in the city of Catania…and beyond, both locally and globally.
- Together with churches and believers, pray for and equip workers to make disciples and start new groups that will one day become reproducing churches. To start this process, we desire to see groups of disciple-making teams reaching new believers and making disciples within a 10-minute walking radius of every point within the city.
- Support and encourage the local believers to continue in the work until we can say that there is no place that remains for us to work. (Romans 15:18-24)
Who can participate?
- Any church or individual who agrees with our statement of faith may participate in Progetto 10:2 without regard to denominational restrictions.
- Those that wish to multiply disciples of Jesus Christ as well as churches, work to reach all of the people in the surrounding area, and who are willing to collaborate with a team of other churches using a practical strategy and plan.
What if I want to participate in Progetto 10:2 but I don’t live where you are working?
We are looking for people to start Progetto 10:2 in other locations as well! Contact us and we can talk about how we can work together. We are willing to teach and train people in other locations so that new cities can be opened and God can be glorified where you are located!
For those who participate, to which church will they go?
To your church.
Where will the trainings be completed?
At your church.
In which name will the people make disciples, start discipleship groups, or plant new churches?
In the name of Jesus and your church.