Who we are

A collaboration of churches and workers in the kingdom of God

The Scripture

He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2

The Mission

We are a group of people who follow Jesus Christ in Catania, Sicily, praying that God will send out workers in his harvest field, whether here in Catania where we are or in other cities or countries. We pray, train, and prepare those that God sends to go, together in partnership with churches and people who wish to participate, so that no place or person remains where the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not been heard.

The Vision

Our desire is to see a disciple-making and church planting team within a 10-minute walking radius of every place where we are working. We will send workers into these areas to make disciples and plant churches in each of these locations. We will work with all existing local churches or believers who share our vision and desire to make disciples and plant new churches in a simple and reproducible way.

Where we are working

Until there is no place left...

Getting started

How can we do this?

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